Boku no Papa to Papa no Hanashi
Really wholesome 6/1p
Lonely To Organdy
The tragedy tag and the fact that Akira is/was (cuz he finally passed away) a ghost was a huge help expecting the worse rather than having hope, so that mentality was key to not have a breakdown at the end xD. The story it’s soooooooooo bittersweet, is very well written and paced, it’s super cute at the beginning with some foreshadowing, then it gets darker to then again shine with some happy sad bittersweet ending
Could the Boy Next Door be a Vampire?
A pity it ended, it’s so fun, so easy-going and enjoyable, aaaah so short I definitely want even more!! 9/10
The Art of Taming A Tiger
I liked it! It was really fun and entertaining, the ending felt weak though (for various reasons) but I’m still satisfied anyhow! 7/10
It's Not That I Want to Wear Women's Clothing
One of my 1st manhua’s and the one that left me a great and strong impression 9’9/10
Seems like I read it already but I can’t remember anything at all xD
Hetare to Bakatare