Wow! I kind of knew where this was going but it was absolutely stupid. I dislike both leads with a passion (him more than her). The only person I liked was Lacey. She was a nice and supportive friend.
Amalie (such a beautiful name for a mumu character), was hella annoying. Home girl has no backbone and is such a childish individual. Plus all that instant falling in love with no actual chemistry was so irritating. Just because you guys are horny and don't know how to separate that from love, does not mean you guys are in love. I freaking hate when harlequin mangas do this. Like y'all don't have any actual reason to be in love and having one conversation about your pasts does not equate to a deep connection. Y'all just want to bump ho ha's then wanna do all this theartics and declarations of love. Please shut it Shanice.
Jericho or whatever his name is just needs to have someone lay a piping hot slap on his face. It's the fact that he didn't even apologize . And to me, that was still cowardly that he removed his name from the article like we were just supposed to think he was a good guy. What a loser.
NO character development at all! There was nothing to truly enjoy. Just burn this please!