Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Is rare to see a manga about poly amorous relationship as well managed as here. Really. I think about how I could put me and Miku on their places, and understand truly what it felt like. Is exorbitant the luck me and Miku had for not sharing a partner, never liking the same person. I am like Hiroi and Miku was like Take and I knew that Miku felt like that at first. It's Byes's family Bye's parents Bye's brothers Bye's friends and I was so upset with it, because we were an only person and at the same time two separate one with different aspects that completed one another. I was always the soft one and she was the tough on. And I was the same I felt sometimes that I had to give her everything because she was precious to me. the closest I can get from them - because we didn't share a lover - is my friendship with Kirito and her crush for him & when I died and she has to replace me. I think this is what a poly amorous relationship is about: there gonna be ups and downs - and that's what scares me the dows, I think thats one of the fear I have of taking the g Im reaaaaly glad that they could just talk it out and resolve thing. and its cute that the uke can comprehend that they were passing through this and just let them resolve their feeling. I like how he didn't run away on the fist here it just proves that he will be there for both on the goods and bad moments and will love them both at the same amount.
eu achei que ia ser mais longo, mas eu to feliz, tipo, muito feliz com tudo isso, nada que um toque acido pra deixar tudo melhor
I'm Banging My Rival From A Parallel World!?
The title made me go for the yaoi, but the plot was so good that I stayed, I am not joking when I say that if it was longer I would have loved more. And it made me realize something that I had already noticed when I was watching in the woods that is Im very concerned with plots, so much that for the first time I notice how quick and unrealistic thing where on the story. Doesn't really matter now cuz the sex was sexy and I really hate to talk about chuca and scat. Well this make thing clear so I not gonna complain for the unrealisticness. - We all know that is how truly thing work, and this mundane body is just dirty
Imperfect Pervert
Like a Tidal Wave - from Pheromone Shower
Me doi o quão curto isso é ¿~¿ Man é tão lindo que doi.
Dear Signal
recomendação do tik tok, vlw a pena é fofis
8nin no Senshi
o problema da sociedade atual: não há respeito, cadê os homi mostrando a masculinidade via bunda? ein ein? foi o q eu pensei
183- aaaaaaaaaa perfeito, man eles sorrindo mds mds eu amei é tão lindo, espero q a autora melhore logo 175 - gato plot indo fazer seth largar corda kkk + mano sooo básica a Nefethys foi brainswashed??? E basicamnete estuprada pra ter o anubis assim como o seth?!?!?! PUTA Q PARIU 174 - PUTA Q PARIU OSIRIS LITERALMENTE ROUBOU O AMOR DESSA MULHER E TRANCOU ELA NUM ESPELHO 161 - HA 160 - quando o horus descobrir... 146 - valeu muito a pena 145 - 146 1° beijo concensual deles 144 - valeu a pena 141 - o quão longe este homem chegou com suas mentirar é nojento 138 - num disse q ia rolar? mas krl o mlk deve ter o cu de ouro... horus kkkkkkkkkk ok parei, enfim primeiro osiris depois horus dps anubis td da mesma linhagem querendo comer ele pqp. Se explicar ter fudido com com osiris já foi dificil de explicar pra Nefethy e Isis imagina ta sendo cantado pelo filho de ambas. aiai esse jantar de familia. oh well td filhos de rá o q esperavamos kkkk 137 - yeahh a love triangle btween adopted father/uncle, niece and half brother/adopted son 122 - ahm.. thats rape. and, PFV N CAI NESSA SETH, ESPERA PELO HORUS Q ELE TA VINDO POR VC, EU SEI Q A VIDA TA UMA MERDA E TD MUNDO QUER TE ESTUPRAR MAS AAAAAAA 121 - KKKKK faz sentido ele ser grego dar beijo grego kkkkkk 120 - this bitch, ele ta deixando acontecer vsf 119 - ah mano, vsf, ele vai ser estuprado dnv?!?! Ta perdendo a graça 118 - mano, o caos 115 - tffff whyyyy, do nada cara 113 - (O.O 111 - Seth parece um gato sendo dado banho 110 - amo dinamica de um ta doente o outro cuida 109 - mann, coitada da Isis 108 - VDDDDDDD, ELA VIU E ELA DEIXOU ELE SER ESTUPRADO E DPS AINDA CULPOU ELE DIZENDO, AIN TU PODIA TER IDO ATÉ MIM. KCT 102 - Seth baby, ur hot, it's not ur fault but come on don't u really know the reason y they r acting like that 97 - HORUS MY BABYYYYY vim pelo smut fiquei pelo plot e mds THIS IS A MASTERPIECE