Bokura To Usagi No Koi Wa Sensou
How Sweet is a Sugar Daddy
it was so uncommum. I never had seen an sugar daddy relationship, it was all new for me, and I have to admit I fell in love with it. that unstable relashionship where you can't be attached to anyone, but you uninvitabely become to was just . . . awesome, undescriptional. I love the caracters and their development was just perfect!!! I will continue this on twitter cuz I cant let then go then end, cuz cartoons live forever, in our heart or our memory.
Kanawanu Koi no Musubikata
14 segundo a lenda do fio vermelho, pessoas assexuais não existem. I think they just have the other tip in their other hand
Love Is An Illusion
116.5 Aaaaaa so cute, I love them Byulllll S2 Eu venho acompanhando essa serie desde if you hate me that much e... Uau, eu tenho muito orgulho dessa autora
Baka ni Koi toka Shoujiki Muri ja ne?