Full volume
Why this story so cool, i haven't read story' like this,,,and colourful and make my brain full at this drawing,, i love it
The Pawn's Revenge
I love it and this story make me little a bit scary but for next chapter change to romance
Broken Boy
Why this story so emotional and i hope this story not be sad ending,, i want him have sex with he brother wkwkwk
Fancy Mate
So cute and Ita so youngest main character
Love So Pure
So cute, and his can make me laught, and his drawing so colou but for a draw face character i little a bit not like' cause so ugly wkwk
Double Trap
This manhwa one i like it and i love because his character have a alterego and make this story different for another
Dear Door
Huuuf kyujooong so cute and so strong, wahai chain so big and so tall and i look his dick so big and too long, but for the story' i read from first episode to extra so cool and fill my heart hhhhh i cant say anymore
Cold-Blooded Beast
Hooh that snake so fucking hot, and this contains historical elements and I love that
Killing Stalking