Eme's manga / #Egypt(1)


Ongoing | Mojito | 2019 released
2019-10-27 19:53 marked

Okay so... I dropped this, well kinda, not really, I just got bombarded by manhwas and I just stopped reading this one entirely. The only thing I can remember reading this back on 2020 is that I loooooved my boy Seth, and was rooting for his happiness because everyone was just horrible with him, abusing him, lying, and the list goes on. Also because I think I got soooo confused hahaha But now I reaaaallly want to come back to it, since I read some really nice spoilers of Seth and the eagle dude that I don't remember the name xdcf So let's go!! December 9th 2024!! --------- Okay so I'm 11 chapters in, and I have 2 things to say 1. Osiris fu like seriously I hate you, now I remember why I stopped reading this, and it was because of him and his manipulative, abusive as*. 2. Hathor, m'lady, I can treat you better than any man ^°^ and, may I add, we are NOT related whatsoever ¬u¬. Dude I don't remember if she is good or bad, probably the last, I didn't read that far, all I know is she looks good hahahaha (damn I'm no better than a man xd) Anyways, I don't know all about this "incest" thing hahaha (nervous laugh) but I think I can see past that, at least for now, because the plot so far is soooo interesting, and hey, you don't see these types of themes, so original, that easy. And my god, the art!!!! And thank you Mojito, for giving us Seth. That's all. ------ Okay so I'm 35 chapters in, and my god, it was a bomb of info.. . Okay so at first you get confused, of course you do, since you only see what has already happened, but you don't know what made all the present be (bear with me xD) So I kinda knew Osiris did something to Seth, it was kinda pointed that way when they were on the stand. Tho I did not expect Osiris to be that obsessed and to blackmail Seth with Anubis, and for Anubis to be Osiris' son!!! Of course he didn't save Anubis because he is a god mad and has a nice heart, nor because he is his son, he did it to fu*k even more with Seth, and to bring him to live with him to Duat. Also, I was not expecting chapter 30 to happen, like not a all... Seth's expression of just giving up, of restlessness when he realized there was no way out again... It killed me... He relived what he went through with Osiris.... I fmdokt know if Horus was possessed or if he did that by his own will... I hope is the first one So Horus now knows that his dad is a disgusting son of a, and will try to free Seth from him disgusting weedy hands. Though I don't know and don't have a clue as to how he will do it. Everyone hates Seth, Isis is blinded by love that I don't think she'll ever accept that Osiris cheated on her his her brother, and of course how he will get rid of Seth's "jinx" (is it Anubis and Nephty?) oof idk. Also I'm so lost trying to understand what is going on with Nephty?! Like the real one is the one in the mirror, but the one inside the jail cell also behaves like the real one, Ay wey mi mente hahaha, I think I kinda understand almost everything so far, but not really at the same time hahahaha Whatever, this is freaking amazing ------ HOLYYYYYY!!!!!! OMG OMG SOOOO Isis knw all along?!?!?? Are you fu*king kidding meeeeee?!?! "the reason why Osiris went mad wasn't because he desired Nepthys, it was because he desired you" ARE YOU FR?!? and she has knew since the night it all happened?!? Are you kidding me right now?!? And now they are going to show us what Osiris sis to Seth... What if I was suicid*l?!? ----- Chapter 41 and 42... Those were hard to read... I feel disappointed, disgusted, betrayed, sadness, anger, all of those combined...FU Osiris... I just can't function anymore... I'm crying, throwing punches at the air, I haaaate that dude, I despise him with my entire being... What an awful awful character.. I just feel disgust of everything he did just to "have" Seth, and my god, poor Anubis... And Isis,you still went to him and conceived a child even after witnessing that?! Or maybe just maybe... She had Horus to fu*k with him and have him killed?! And Nepthys being trapped in the mirror while the fake one does a freaking circus God, what a family xdxd -------- Okay, Sheeeeeshhhh I just finished season 1,and my god, what a season that was if not amazing. Like literally this is everything, the lore, the pacing, the ways things are revealed just at the right time. This is sooo good! Mojito you genius!! My god, that trial had me at the edge of my seat, griping each side, covering my mouth, sweating and everything. Damn I was sooooo ready for the truth about Osiris to come out, but it's still not the time. Now Seth is just but a demigod, and will have to gather all the souls together with Nephtys. ALSO ANUBIS?!? Omg omg omg!!! Jesus I'm not prepared for what us going to happen on season two, and thank God there is still more than a 100 chapters xD thank me of the past for letting this marinate Jesus all the revelations were bomb, mind blowing, the way now Anubis knows that Seth has never hated him, and not only that, that he is in fact the son of Osiris!? Now he has woken as a god?!? Omg omg omg?!? Oof man, I'm just waiting for Osiris downfall, like you don't understand!! Jaekyung and Osiris downfalls are gonna be the ones of the century!! Season 2, here I come!!! ALSOOOO!! Maat and Toth my favorite power couple TT.TT I love them!!! ------ Omg... Anubis... Sheshh Ehem, ISIS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? ALL THIS FREAKING TIME YOU SERIOUSLY THOUGHT THAT SETH AND OSIRIS HAD SOMETHING CONSENSUAL?!?!?? That they betrayed you?!? ARE YOU FFR?!?!? You didn't believe for a moment when Seth told you that he had no other option but to do that in order to save Anubis?!? REALLY?!?!? OMG I hope this nightmare finally wakes her and made her realize that the only fu*ker guilty of all of this is none other that Osiris, and finally freaking finally decides to put an end to this, humiliated him and side with Seth, because my god how much has he suffered ------ The kid is alive omg!!!!! damn I feel so bad for Hanekate, and I understand why she did that to Seth and it's doing it to Horus now Also, Hathor, girl, you need to leave, I knew I couldn't trust you, sorry girl, the thing between us is not going to work. Shesshhhh Isi you gotta wake up!!! ------ Okay so omg!! The loreeee!!! Damn that mirror it dangerous! So now we know how it works, and that makes me so angry and sad So the freaking green booger sent that mirror to Seth first and foremost, to make him fall in love with him. But Nephtys was the one that looked at it sadly, so her conciseness got trapped in the mirror because the one she loved was Seth, but her love was changed for Osiris, because of the reflection in the mirror. Freaking Osiris wanted that to happen to Seth, but sadly it happened to Nephtys, and we'll, she cheated on him and we all know the rest :( I really loved seeing Seth being all romantic, baby just wanted a family and be happy TT.TT but Osiris said "and I took that personally" and had to fu*k everything over Then Hathor gave that mirror to Horus, trying to make him fall in love with him, but then Seth went to see Hathor, snatched the mirror and that's when Horus saw his reflection. But because he has already in love with Seth his consciousness did not get trapped and nothing happened. Damn, poor poor Nephtys, Isis and mostttt of all Seth. That goddamn green booger has to go down!! and omg now finally Isis is going to see that the only one at fault is Osiris!! Nephtys and Seth are all his victims!! Omg omg!! I'm so ready!! Annnddd I have 5 more chapters left :'( ------ Omfg!!!! It finally happened!!!! TT.TT Consensual smexy time TT.TT God the chapters were so cute and nice, like seeing Seth smile and enjoy himself that much made my heart heal from all the horrible things he has been thru, I literally teared up hahahaha Agh my god Horus is just so aghhh TT.TT they both are so ahhh!! When Horus confessed to Seth, Seth's face and the way he kissed him was just *muah*