Yasashii Anata...
Kuroneko Kareshi no Arukikata
Ch 6 (Prev : calico and boyfriend was fighting over calico's career choice, at the villa they argued about it, but didn't got resolve, shingo and keiichi had sex at bus stop)
Ch 14 ( prev : soo gyum left the houses leaving uke puzzled because the collar on his neck was unlock and all his belongings were given back to him, he looked for him, he found him and took him back to his house, he was souking wet from the rain and took him in the showe, soo gyum told uke how he regret confining him and how he thinks that his feeling will be rejected, he feel dejected of ever showing himself to uke and told uke that they should never meet if he only thinks of him as friends afterwards soo gyum was taken to the hospital. Next day, at the bar with his friends, his friends suggested that they visit soo gyum, uke said he won't go, as he said that he cried for no reason)