Almond o Nanatsubu
It was alright. I think the drama was dragged too much and there was very little exposure on watanabe's unrequited love. Had to figure it out cause it was a bit confusing lol. Anyways.. still a good read!
Onegai Sonnnani Kamanaide
I didn't like how Igarashi was forcing yanagi and seemed like toying him but I'm glad the ending was him finally realizing his love and cherishing yanagi. Igarashi is such a baby and a perv btw.. oh and he's freakishly handsome af too! xD
Nee, Onnanoko ni Shite Ageru
Light story about a submissive boss and a dominant employee. I like the crossdessing parts cause it suited him really well. Makes me wanna go on a diet hahahah
Far from Romance
Cute story. Can't believe he arata didn't reconize luis' gender right away. The voice would've given it in lol
Mistake Lover