Mr. Zombie
This book is Soo good and I can't wait for the new chapters like why end in ch 17 like whyyyyyyy I love this book soooo much and I can't wait for the new chapters
Superstar From Age 0
After 30 years finally f****** Finally, it came out a couple of chapters and not have to wait like 30 more years. I bet because it takes 30 years to post. One track it's supposed to warm chocolate and then it's like. Actually, it took a whole year to post like the rest of them. And it's not even finished. I have to wait like pay a month or so because it takes months for them to make. Work f****** chapter and it takes a whole f****** here, but like a couple of chapters like Bixby f***** for real and I'm so. It's so bad like why? Why did I have to end and in chapter 49 qnd the end of season 1 Like I win it a whole year for only. What 4 chapters like Bixby for furrow?I love this book so cute like b****, b****, b****, b****, b****, b**** bitch.Why does it have to end?Why does it have to end like i'm so annoyed anyway D*** I even have to wait that long and it gave me like 43characters.What sakes like you give me so many chapters this time.I'm so happy like a gave me a lot of chapters chapter 46
Solo Farming In The Tower
S1 ch93 like this book is so cute and funny likeee I want more ch cuz I love this manga like why are the chapters so short I want more cuz 90 ch is not enough not enough I tell you not enough it's not enough bro I think this book hates me because it was kind of boring in the beginning while I was reading it right and then I got interesting and it stopped like it keeps doing that it's so annoying but I love this book
Ilwon Dog
You're not using him by this point like you're just basically dating now like you even did the nasty too bad it was only 10 chapters though
The Duke's Debt
I'm in love with this book like OMG it was only 17 chapters but they did it it was kind of really romantic and sweet like OMG
Onegai Sonnnani Kamanaide
It was mad like bro was I don't. Want to be in a relationship but then got mad jealous from anyone.Touching him right BFF.R but it's alright it's o k in the end
For My Abandoned Love