Its trully a fricking mess of a masterpiece. No need to linger with words of praise when this fucking thing is this fucked up. Side note, The reason Ophelia can’t get away from the duke is becuse they siblings and he think she kill his father and her mother and she kinda thinks he did it whike it actually was ophelia who tried doing it to stop her mother from killing her past stepfathers.
If i ever re read this . Yes Ml in the begining is weird and sussy but that is becuse he yandere and opsessed but he also can’t cope with the fact he is insanely in love with his fathers killer. She is pretty logical all throug until tye end seems like she is tired of helping her mother kill her lovers and she is scared of getting trown away by her mother like her ex sptepfathers who are dead. Overall a good story feels like a detectiv story with a lot of kinda twists and turns in what everyone knew and what actually happened.
The Reason Why Ophelia Can’t Get Away From The Duke