Mama Fujoushi's manga / #writer(2)

Yakusoku No Yokan

Complete | Sakura Sakuya | 2006 released
2018-04-17 22:18 marked

It was a little unclear. I *think* he wasn't really a prostitute? Just an actual escort (and, thus, no sex). Still, I enjoyed it. I liked the two of them and their relationship and how relatively uncomplicated it was.

Yume no Kuni in My Darling

Complete | ABE Akane | 2000 released

I liked the first two quite a bit. First (1-2) Is high school classmates who become lovers. Really enjoyed that one. (5/5) Second (3-5.5) is okay but not as good (3/5) with the PE teacher and the former student. I didn't like that the student got ignored and that was left unaddressed. Also while the teacher got better, it still seemed unresolved. Third--yakuza and host irritated me because he finally gets the guy to break down and accept him, then leaves him after all. :/ 3/5 (Total rounded down)