Mama Fujoushi's manga / #student(2)

Chotto Matte yo Hanaya-san

Complete | MACHIYA Hatoko | 2017 released
2018-06-27 04:55 marked

I'm glad the kid went to college, but it irks me more than a little that it was just assumed he couldn't learn about the flower shop and run it together with the older guy. Yet again, another case of being older so he automatically knows better and what's right. *sigh* I love this mangaka and this story is good, just a little bugged by that bit. I was happy to see the older guy apologize and realize he screwed up, at least in that part. I just think he should have done that in other ways too. *shrug* Ah, well. Overall good story and definite reread. Okay, reread. That thing about the flower shop hit me hard the first time, but on the reread, it's not nearly as big. I *am* constantly bugged by the idea that the only future he has is if he goes to college, but if that's what he really *wants*, then I'm glad he went. Still, I think that could have been handled better. Either way, the 4* definitely works and I will want to reread this again.

Our House Love Trouble

Complete | Owaru | 2016 released

Lots of fun here. I like how the president really worked hard to show the student he cared about more than his body. Great story. I felt like the second with the host/sculptor could have been a LITTLE longer, but it was still good. Also, uncensored dick! WOOT!