Yoi Dore Policy
Related to "Michizure Policy", oneshot sequel.
Making Love Like Newlyweds
Koigokoro (kanda Neko)
Baby I Love You
Related to "Papa, I love you." With the younger son Akio and the "Papa's" friend from work. Cute but I like Papa, I love you, a bit better. Still a good, sweet story. I liked that when the older guy tried to push the Aki away, he got a taste of what it was like to see the Aki do what he said and go out with someone who would give him what he needed. I liked that it wasn't so much jealousy but a realization that he could lose Aki and to get his head out of his ass. Two shorts afterward. Both with classmates--one a serious, quiet student and the other the more outgoing one. The other with an existing couple who are stupid about not saying outright what's wrong. Very teenager-like. Not bad, but I'll stick with Baby, (the first~65 pages or so), which I liked and is better on the reread.
Terebi-kun No Kimochi
actor and childhood friend; actor and his manager; younger store manager and regional manager; coworker at store and the cook.
Koishite Daddy