Mama Fujoushi's manga / #Tragedy(2)

Hebi no Seikatsu

Complete | Katashina | 2015 released

Yeah, no. I bawled through the first one. I guess it's supposed to be an HEA where the alpha brother ends up with the alpha best friend in the end after the twin dies, but just... ugh. I bawled and was NOT happy with how it turned out. The second one... the omega was annoying af and the other guy just seemed weird. Then it turned out he was the husband of an omega female that the other omega banged (but he only did it AFTER she was already married. Like... wut?). So, he went and fucked the omega guy for revenge. I dunno. The whole thing was weird. I kept hoping for more and a more definitive ending but there wasn't one. Definitely NOT a reread. :(

Natsu, Kimi ga Saku

Complete | FUJIKAWA Touko | 2000 released
2017-12-29 21:31 marked

DO NOT READ 2 or 6. Tragedy. (I didn't, either.) First story with the student who liked flowers was sweet. (1, 3&4) The second with the student and the cafeteria cook was okay but I didn't really like the cafeteria guy. (Ch 5) I'd give the first 5/5 and the second 3/5 so average out to 4.