Mama Fujoushi's manga / #Sex friends(1)

Baka ni Koi toka Shoujiki Muri ja ne?

Complete | TAKAHIRA Rito | 2016 released
2018-01-06 19:56 marked

So, it's kind of choppy, at least in the beginning. Very short chapters. That part wasn't TOO bad, though. What irritated me was about half-three quarter of the way through when the rival showed up. Trying to tell Nanase that he was a coward when he'd ALREADY confessed (more than) once and gotten turned down. There was nothing cowardly about it. That bugged the hell out of me. He was NOT in the wrong. He didn't push Hina away. If he'd tried to force Hina to spend time together, it would have only caused problems. Eno was a fucking asshole and I wanted to kick his ass so hard. :( Overall, good story, but that part really pissed me off. I felt so bad for Nanase over that stuff. :( *hugs him*