Cherry Blossoms Fall - Kimetsu no Yaiba dj
whyd make me cry in the middle of the night? Well ig its my fault for reading this at this time
Can't Think Straight
ahhahahaha, the only thing i dont like here is the top being homophobic
I'm Yours, Blood and Soul
I love the main story, the side story.. basically all of it!!!!! i definitely would reread this from time to time
Pleasure Principle
I finished it, im sad now and empty️️️️
Bakadane, Shitteruyo.
they have such dynamic that you would support them if they are not brothers.. I love the complexity of this but im questioning my tastes. I guess, since its all fictional(the story) im.. AHHHH why do I love twisted stories
Aniki no Ichiban Oishii Tokoro
I remember reading this.. it have such a cute artstyle, fluff, plot, anything, if you just disregard them being brothers.. idk why I love such complex stories that its affecting how my brain works. Altho it help my brain to process more things(questionable things and cool things)my mental stability deteriorating tho
Oujisama, Dochirasama?