LMAOO I actually liked it, but probably not the way it was intended. I expected the main two to get together because it was kind of obvious, but wow the soap opera is strong in this one, I was laughing so much when I probably wasn't supposed to be. There are definitely feels and it's a fun short read. My favourite thing is characters appearing and disappearing, like where tf did Takimoto come from?? Omg he has an intense backstory with Gamou where he LOST A LEG?? They just frickin introduce him randomly and drop all his lore in the first convo, hilarious. Where tf did Murakami go? I bet no one remembers him lollll he was there for a hot second messing around and then just disappeared off the face of the planet so Anzai could pop in. I just love how random it all is for the sake of ramping up drama that never truly escalates and just sorta putters out. All in all pretty fun if you go in with an unserious mindset hdhxbxbxbx, I kind of want more
Higouhou Junai