Tosca no Inu
Art is rlly pretty and there was potential but the story was very rushed and yet still boring, the romance progression was weird and everything felt melodramatic because the story and characters weren't built up properly
Jibun Katte.
they're both assholes lmao, blondie is manipulative and cunning while black-hair is careless and can't establish boundaries. they deserve each other ig, not really a romance, more like watching a meteor fall and waiting for it to inevitably hit the ground, which was kinda fun
Tonari no Stella
I immediately approve of the male lead, he drowns his pancakes in maple syrup as you should Yeah they're each cute and together they're both cute, it's a fun read. The angst was nice and it lowkey felt deserved on both sides, yknow? They both hurt each other, so anytime either of them were hurting I was like nice, deserved, but also this is so sad. When they finna got together I was vry glad and not annoyed at one of them for getting off easy, it just felt like they were finally looking at each other properly. I also really love subaru's costars, their friendship is so fun
Miraiken de Ai o Tsumugeba
Lol the senpai annoyed me, it doesn't feel like he got his payback because it seemed to hurt the kouhai more, and also that doesn't rlly make up for so many years of messing with his concept of love. The senpai's personality was rlly charming and as a couple they're rlly cute, but it Irritated me that it feels the senpai got away with just dismissing the kouhai's feelings like that out of nothing but his own fear, like he should be guiltier tf, or at least acc face more consequences of how he treated the kouhai without it boomeranging back onto the kouhai. I can genuinely understand fear of getting into a relationship in highschool but there were better way he could have turned the kouhai down that didn't basically make a joke of his feelings ugh Oh and the second couple was fine ig, kinda mid, you only really have blondie's final confession as evidence that he acc likes the black hair one, so it's not that satisfying or romantic
Kuroi Inu
It was.... surprisingly tame lmao it was just textbook manipulation which is shitty, but thankfully no cheating or sexual assault. The story itself and the characters are boring, the 'dark story' was kind of shallow and so were the characters, I really didn't care what happened to them at all.
Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be
Omg smthing abt this is so soft and pleasant and beautiful and adorable
Me no Tsukedokoro ga Deep Desho