Bw Super masochist seduces repressed coworker, pretty fun
Secretary Jin's Confinement Journal
New, complaints re translation Isekai into bdsm novel
Simplified Pervert Romance
Blond punk masochist x high school uptight brunette, bw manga
Uuugh why is it ugly i want it to be good I'm interested but I really wish the drawings were better Detexctive sub x dom informant blond Newish official chaps
Sabsama Shitsukeno Jikandesu
Form of Broken Love
Season 3 and the drawings are still shit, possibly worse Ch 29 ugh I just want the drawings to be better its so distracting Pottery professor x student, extremely sexy Ok the faces weird copy pasted onto the neck at the wrong angle is kind of taking me out of this, how does that even happen like why aren't they attached to the head I don't understand
Love, Illness, Or Destiny?
New, bw manga Its been 2 weeks since cafe worker ,Yanagi (28) started getting sexual visions involving him & the new college student part timer ,Sakaida .., Yanagi who has always been apathetic about love and relationship doesn't know how to deal with his current situation ..
To become a Sadist