Dawn of the Dragon
Big kyutt crybaby black dragon (hyo un) x the pretty dragon's mate (Yoo Taehyuk) Applaused Ch. 63
Desharow Merman
Agares the merman's king Desharow his human mate Ch. 61
Netkama Punch!!!
I'm lost for words. Even though I read it in one go for at least 2 days, I find it very hard to let go now that I'm done reading it till the end. I'll miss this chaotic dou! • I just had to take a pause to appreciate the Profanity I absolutely love this shit • i was hoping to see the MC's friend's face reveal sis better be a twink too • we see so many fuckass bls go 100+ for shits and giggles, why not netkama!! god i could read the dynamic of these two idiots for years, now i have to settle rereading this every six months since i’ve got the memory of a goldfish • Sosad it ended na :'< I'll miss them (╥﹏╥) 12 am 2024 Thu, Oct. 24
Miscreants And Mayhem
Excellent P3rf3ct Seme I can't put words to this. It's simply the masterpiece of bwat. I want more!!!
Even If You Don't Love Me
Season 3 ch. 23 or Season 3 ep. 110 The End. - of the main story. Waiting for the side stories, horay!! Season 3 (ended magnificently) Aug. 8 2024 Thank you to the author for the ups and downs…. A crazy ride. Yet a wonderful experience Comment• Wow, what a journey. I'm glad Seungeon & Ji Wook can be together forever without any enemies coming for them. But, it’s over . I’ll miss them so much! The author did wonderful work on this manhwa, thank u.️ That “Mine” was said with so much satisfaction broooooo I followed this story for years and even when I love the fact that they had their happy ending I can't stop myself from thinking that a lot couldn't happen if the MC asked for help in high school. It would prevent him from all the pain he's gone through. "Mine" - Seungeon to Ji wook The End of "Even if you dont love me" Side story 3 2024 Sat, Nov. 02
저명한 조각가였던 아버지가 희대의 역작 ‘미성:다비드’의 발표를 앞두고 사망한다. 이에 헥터는 죽은 아버지의 유산 목록을 확인하던 중 의문의 별장을 발견하고 그곳을 찾는다. 그런데 그 별장에는 존재도, 정체도 모르는 청년 에녹이 살고 있었다. 에녹을 보자마자 ‘미성:다비드’의 모티브가 그임을 깨닫게 된 헥터는 아버지의 유산 중 하나인 그에게 남다른 흥미를 보인다. “별일이네. 변변한 장난감 하나 안 사주던 인간이 이런 걸 다 선물해 주고?” raws https://newtoki465.com/webtoon/43585038?stx=%EC%9D%80%EB%8B%89&toon=BL%252FGL
Who's Your Daddy?
!want more!! this manhwa is one of mi tesoro. 2021 The puriest and prettiest empress, the loveliest uke Alexa Louis Meternich The most perfect prince an emperor, the loveliest gorgeous seme Maetel Meternich And their most lovely, the prettiest, the cutiest beautiful dragon baby Yuere️ Re-reading this for the nth time..on 9:04 p.m. 2024 Mon, Nov. 11
Waterside Night
2024 Sat, Nov. 23 12:03 p.m. euihyun-"I've caught the worst sort of feelings in the world. [The two of us..] [..Are like low tide at twilight..] [..Lines blurring between us..] it's love. [You love me more than I love myself.] [And I.. I want to do the same for you] I love you, I guess. ["Like low tide at twilight."] 100.5 baby medusin' face r'veal. ️ It's pretty addictious and the most