Missing Love
Pretty Art and ML. However, super heavy on rape, sexual torture and violence. I made it to the end and was not disappointed with the conclusion.
Define The Relationship
Cute story, excellent artwork.
Under the Green Light
HOORAYYY!!! Season 2Thank You ️ ️ ️ ️ ️
Solo For Two
Good story, but super depressing and dragggged out to the point it's not entertaining and getting super fucking old and boring now.
Comes In Threes
Not really sure how I feel about this. It's a roller coaster of flashbacks, confusion, and uncertainties alongside mental, emotional and physical abuse. I'm left in suspense as to what is going through everyone's head aside from the main character. I'm not sure if this leaves me interested or let down at this point so I'll keep reading. I have a strong feeling that this isn't going where most might think it will, and the main character is going to get even more psychologically fucked up. I do hope to see the main character grow a back bone and aim for revenge... and a Makeover, but that's not likely. Meh.. Also, I'm getting bad vibes about the brother... seems our boy is going to get even more psychologically fucked.. like literally. Ugh
Even If You Don't Love Me
This story is exhausting, but it's definitely a good read. I hope they work things out and get their shit together so they can be happy. Ended with a Bang
Paper Flower
I feel like I'm riding a roller coaster reading this. It's starting to get repetitive, but this poor Uke is such a Masochist and it is really sad to see. Hopefully he will survive and run off with the general somehow
Black Mirror