Steel Under Silk
Oh gosh pretty yeonjo + handsome Ryung =match + pretty story and line's ,shet my new fav yaoi (・´з`・) <8
Dear, My lover
What the-Felix?Hell men haha what a Psychopath,grrr its more interesting huh
Perfect Buddy
Where i can find like YoungChan with big (you know) and has a muscles anddd funny guy anddd such a cuteeee guyyyyyy,,btw i like this
The Titan's bride
Grrr,i hope kouichi and cauis having a baby becauseee cauis is titannn and kouichi is just a human sooo i hope there's a miracle or possibility's kouichi became pregnant ~_~
The Abyss
Cool!!! The top so smarttt,like he still act like Innocent,act like not stalker in front of his bott i like this,i feel theres alot of plottwist that i need to read and know!!!
How to Be the Chosen One
I love this!...gosh the bott was so sexyyy :') and its funny at the sametime lol <33
The First Love of the Sushi Restaurant Owner is a Mermaid
I love this! More chaps!♡٩(๑`^´๑)۶ (done at March 31,2023 9:35pm)