Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Ughhh freak why is haebom more sexyyyy in the previous chapt wahh i think i fall inloveeee with hist cute face and hot body HAHAHAHAHA
Awieeeeee jznwidjadijsw i love this(´∀`)♡
When the Killer Falls in Love
I can't wait oh mai gosh(ノ*>∀<)ノ♡♡♡♡
Roses and Champagne
Grrrr i really like this <8 want more!HAHA<3
Woah,when i read the first chap and the streaming chap,i felt sad for our little bunny,and i won't deny it that i hate goro,just a little bit hate,let me rate of hateness just 1/10 Haha(goro,little bunny is all yours,dworry,jk)But when i read about Sho's past and Goro was taken care for him, ackkk and protecting sho my hateness for goro is now 0% lol ,and for sho's father 15/10 hate,,,Btw i like the beauty of shoto(sho),<8 [^~^]
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