Manazashi No Hayagane
# i loved the second story/couples more than the main story/couples .. # i hope the author make a whole volume about the second couples
Nure Nezumi-tachi no Koi
finally i had read this manga !! first of all when i started reading it and was on the chapter were sensei was hurting him i just wanted to punch his face and say you dont have any right to play with people feelings !! but when i knowed what his past was i got a little sorry for him .. second this story is kind of new and different i think because it has 4 charcters and each one of them have a bad past which leaded them to not open up with their feelings and when the story was about to finish you wonder who will be with whom and will they be together and will sensei change ..
Saikyo Yankee to Makeinu na Ore
the couples in this manga is soooooo yummy LOL but really i am in love with each one of them perfect mangaヾ(☆▽☆)
Boku wa Kimi no Iinari