Dark Fall
Usually, I don't mind too much if there's SA/rape in a story if it serves a purpose in the plot (AKA revenge, or if the story has certain depth and later on is handled well), but when the rape is completely unnecessary, just because for the sake making the character suffer, or is later romanticized, that's a definite no for me. This story is just that. That's not hot, it loses all the possible "interesting" aspects other sides of the story may have. DO NOT READ
Avenger Of Mystical Eyes - Blood Parasite
Looks promising! Dark and there's rape which I don't precisely enjoy, but keeping in mind the theme I'll pass it. It's kinda sad and got me enraged so it accomplished its porpoise
The Devil is DAD and I
Isekai→ A game player lover who esperately wants to escape from the real world, is transported to the "Game World" he's been playing for a while.
The King's Undertaker
Undertaker, fallen angel, death theme Love supernatural being interacting and learning or trying to understand from humans
Angel Sanctuary