Memory Box
Six years after Ai-chan left for Tokyo, an old school friend (Kanda-cha) met her once again. They parted after Junior High during which time Kanda-chan took a role of a pretend boyfriend of Ai-chan during the summer. Now that they meet again, they will rekindle the moment where they realize that the one special star is within their reach and has been there all along. They will find the one true love. Very sweet storyline and adorable drawing/artwork. Thank you.
Sayonara Rose Garden
This author's work is very well written. It keeps you anticipating of what to come. Characters are very well delevoped and growing along the storyline. Never feel bored of reading this. The setting and the historical backdrop is very well drawn and researched... beautifully done! I love this author's work and am looking forward to reading the next chapter. Thank you for such innocent tender loving storyline.
If It Rains Next Week
This is a very cute and unexpected story of the destined encounter. After several meet up at the station in the pretense of returning the borrowed umbrella, She realizes that she has a feeling for the other girl and choose to cancel the engagement with her fiance. After 6 months of being apart, the two ladies who long to rekindle that first encounter meet again. With a sudden confession, she finally is able to be with the girl she truly love. This author's drawing is more and more refined. Love the artwork. Would love to see more drawing of the intimate will be a big draw for your story. Looking forward to more work from this author. Thank you.
Kimi wa Shoujo