Could the Boy Next Door be a Vampire?
RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEYRE SO CUTE I WILL DIEEEEEEEE the characters are really so unique and I esp like mini cos of his personality!!!!!!!!!! so head over heels for wooree LOL tho ima be so fr i got so frustrated at the start because of the conflicts, like wooree is so dense and gullible cant believe it but eitherway the ending was satisfying af I love it!!! Also cant forget about my favorite duo the second couple, like holy shit theyre so domestic im in love HDISHFISNFIENIRHSIENFJENEIHDE wanted more of them but i wanted mini and wooree equally too, aaaaahhhh eitherway i love this heheheh ch 87
Blood and Love
ehhhh feels rushed and the plot is so generic cool smeggsy scenes tho but the angst was suuuper soft
Raising a Bat