Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation
that....was it..... man. I SHOULDVE READ THIS EARLIER DUDE. Like the whole story was so captivating, even from the start. I had a lot of questions that urged me to read more, thus finishing this in one sitting... BRO I CRIED A LOT. especially when Llewellyn's story was told and as well as Shavonne's story with his memories and all and gaw damn....i felt so fucking sad for llewellyn like WHYYYYYYY HES ENDURED SO MUCH MY PRECIOUS BABY BRO I CANT DO THIS TODAY THIS IS SO SAD One thing tho, the ending felt kinda abrupt like i was expecting more after those events before the last chapter but does that really matter now when we have a full gourmet meal 5-star storytelling right there???️️
Park Hanhoo's Manager