This was . . alright. For a first manwha, its pretty good, the art is alright, it's bearable, and had tons of untapped potential. With the pacing itself, it deserved a longer serialisation and a deeper elaboration. The tension is good, but the drama seems to be depicted rather so seriously but story wise isn't so jarring if you catch my drift? Like two characters will be so close they're about to kiss, or the context for a scene can be incredibly fucked up, but it doesn't feel as heavy as it should be, because the whole manwha is just filled with "tensioned" scenes rather than the tension being spread out evenly & confrontation scenes being done for the climax of an arc. There are so many of these argument-like scenes that fill the whole manwha that it's not that overwhelming. Or maybe it's just the story telling itself.
Either way, I like how the lines are written & how some scenes are drawn especially between Taemin & Woojin specifically. But other than that it just seems a bit underwhelming for it's concept. Deserved better writing
At the End of the Road