Hajime no Koi (NISHIMOTO Rou)
Listen. This was SO GOOD, I was relocated at first cause of the age gap and then Kosaka was call boy and Mamiya booked him cause he wanted to see if it was him or not and I fr thought well damn it's gonna go south if they do it now...AND THEY DIDN'T THEY! They actually bonded and got to know each other, they helped and protected each other, the story was so fucking good cause we saw how their love and appreciation for one another grew. Loved seeing Mamiya handling getting a job, and his old group missing him and seeing him as family, AND THE CUTE ASS CAT! Ugh this was just great, so happy we got to see them 5 years after they started dating, they are happy hehe.
Oni to Tengoku Sai
The TikTok sound "WARRRR ISSSS OVERRRR" is this manga, it went from psychological, damaged manga to a WHOLESOME AND SWEET AND HEALING MANGA. This couple felt so REAL, the dynamics between them are so beautiful and so wonderful. I hate that in a lot of BL mangas, the couple is structured in "male position" & "female position", the heteronormativity is appalling, but here it is just a real-life couple that each has their faults and truly heal each other's inner child. I cried so many times.
On Doorstep