Omega Complex
IDC I DECLARE KIM DOHYUN BEST BOI I CANT STAND SEEING HIM HURT but then i cant stand any of the mcs getting hurt.. TT i love taegyeom but i love dohyun more... idkkkk
Behind The desk
nice and complicated. yay.
Bad Thinking Diary
poor naïve girl, swayed so easily.
OMG CHANGIN AHJUSSI, LITERALLY A DILF TAYTAY CONGRATS FOR BOTTOMING FOR THE FIRST TIMEEEE now a moment of silence for taeui's bussy, may you rest in penis *praying hands*
BRO I SWEAR EUNTAK BE GETTIN FINER BY THE CHAPTER and i feel bad for dojae, ppl only dated/liked him for his looks and nothing else
Exotic Love
id take off my pants and get on the table for jung jaehan
Assorted Wildness
JEHAAA YOU'RE SO SWEET AT THE ENDDDD AGHHH THANK YOU FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL YAOI *30 degree kowtow* PLOT, SMUT, CHARACTERS, GOT EM ALL mongryong is my whole life, not even kidding bro. literally would give him, jeha, and our baby big bro junyoung the world because they just deserve that much. it's just so fulfilling to finish this series. to think this was gyeja's first work is amazing because this is just such a masterpiece. my heart is full and im sobbing freely and rereading this masterpiece is so damn fun not even kidding, it's like walking back through a happy childhood with all its twists and turns. im gettnig nostalgic lmao so ill leave it at this: if you havent read Assorted Wildness, please do
The Third Ending