Sex Drop
!!TW for SA!! Kou tries to give Tomo a blowjob while drunk and it's uncomfortable but I am happy that they didn't brush over the seriousness of it. Honestly I didn't see it coming :S
Who Can Define Popularity?
I came for the gay but I got life lessons and a will to live. Unexpected for sure. Maybe I relate to many of the characters in some way so I can find some comfort or maybe I just have emotional issues. Who knows.
Josou Shite Mendoukusai Koto ni Natteru Nekura to Yankee no Ryou Kataomoi
4 Week Lovers
Good smut and very decent plot??? What is this?? Good soup??
New review ch65: I am so into this redemption arc it feels even better when the guy is actually horrible and has been horrible and I'm so happy that Dan is actually like realistic as a character aaaaaaaa I am so happy with this I'm so glad I picked this up again. I'm so happy all the bad reviews I've seen didn't stop me. AAAAAAAAA As a more serious note I get why people would be ticked off by a character who does a lot of horrible stuff but the pressure professional athletes face is portraited so well and in an interesting way. People need to get that this isn't a perfect love story, most love stories aren't. And if this was all fine and dandy or all toxic no redemption it wouldn't be anywhere this interesting. ++ As someone who has dealt with grief multiple times, honestly Dan's unhealthy coping spoke to me. Semi old review: At first it was kind of sus and it still is kinda (as a former sex worker I did stuff "willingly" for money even though I didn't like it at all and I felt horrible about it). I can relate to this tho and I hope that this takes a more gentle turn at some point. I know crying is a big turn on for some but I just can't understand it oof.
Pink Heart Jam