Final Stop
Toxic relationship that ends with an open ending but I liked it,, lots of angst but the ending was satisfying because it felt real instead of your usual forgive and forget happy ending Definitely not worth a reread tho
Kedamono Arashi
Part of a series 1) Kedamono Arashi - ( Akira & Krishima falls in love ) 2) Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! - ( Akira & Sougo moved in & baby Shouta is born ) 3)Kedamono Arashi: Hug Me Baby - ( Sougo 's papa came to cause trouble ) 4)Kedamono Arashi -Hold Me Baby! ( they went on a family trip) 5)Kedamono Arashi - Touch Me Baby! - ( 2 more babies are born )
Kekkon Shite Kudasai!