Bad Thinking Diary
I'm fcking begging y'all PLEASE moreeeeeeeee ;-; edit; after reading chapter 7 i officially fcking died HOLY FCKING SHT THAT'S HOLYMADERPAKINGHELUVAHSHT i can't express my feelings Aahshwknxiwlal
Suimitsutou Ha Shoujo Ni Kajirareru
Make a mark
I need answers please moreeeee this is so interesting ;-;
Tatoe Sekai ga Owattemo, Watashi wa Kanojo wo Erabanai
I came for the fluff but i get the sob in the end ;-;... Tbh it feels weird reading this, it was light hearted in some part then in the next it'll turn full az 360 with it's dark stuff... dayum i really thought they'll wake up and everything is just a bad dream. It's good tho so yea ;-;
Shoujo-tachi no Kizuato ni Kuchizuke wo
please moreeeeeeee ;-;
Useless Princesses
I hope there's more, the ending is a but rushed to me but this is so good i wish there's more of this ;-;
The White Maidens' Werewolf
I'm intrigued please update ;-;
Our Yuri Started with Me Getting Rejected in a Dream
more ;-;
Kiss Game