Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Yonghee is the bestest friend their friends is the bestest periodd haebom and taeseung's relationship is healthy, it's making me feel healthy too TT
An Unmapped Country, Somewhere In This World
shin is a prince from another country who likes to travel around. he explores an unmapped country where he was quarantined because the country is actually infected with a lung disease inducing pollen. he somewhat falls in love with Noe, but unfortunately Noe was already in love with the country's last royalty, Musutia. Despite this, Shin took it upon himself to go back home and take on diplomatic responsibilities to negotiate opening up the country's border so they can get access to medical technology. Musutia survives and he ends up with Noe. Now my only problem is that I WANT SHIN TO HAVE HIS LOVE FOUND!!! IS IT LIA??? I really hoped he'd get with Noe with the way they had so much screentime together but honestly, this development was rather refreshing to read. I hope Shin gets to have someone who'll fall in love with him too.
Oazuke no Kiss no Yukue
I, too, love seeing kisses in mangas
Futarikkiri no Oishii Ojikan
Tale of the Yellow Dragon
At first I was so confused but then the way the ending acts were wrapped up, everything fell into place, and lemme just say- listening to "this is what falling in love feels like" and "is there someone else" during the ending chapters really wrenched my heart what a bittersweet ending
Silent Lover