Adam no Rokkotsu
A BL that focuses on DID (dissociative identity disorder). I'm no expert on psychology, but this was quite well done! The art was amazing as well as the story :)
Shh, You'll Wake up the Child
think it was too short for all the drama and developmeng. was alright
Fuck Buddy
Akanishi did 3p with Ryo because he thought that Ryo wouldn't be interested in him otherwise. Surprisingly good and kinda sweet actually
Sensual Reminder
was pretty cute. Lucas is a great guy :3c very caring of Souhei
Hitsuji no Kawa wo Kita Kemono
At first I thought this story might've been shameless cheating with his sister's boyfriend, not to say that he didn'g cheat cause he (or they) technically did, but it was surprisingly written so that the cheating was sort of. handled? I'm not sure how to describe it but it didn't make me drop the story at least, and I'm glad I didn't cause the latter half of the story was great and I loved it. Daichi's confrontations were admirable and he got what he wanted and changed the other for the better, or even just started the change. Pretty good story. I kind if wished there were more extras about their domestic life :') but it's ok
If You Treat Me Nice, We Can Do It
Ryuji was pining after Aki who was crushing on someone else. I felt bad for Ryuji because he was being used as sort of a rebound. I mean, he does eventually end up with Aki but I'm a little unsatisfied. Ryuji is so faithful
Your Devotion is My Salvation
seme detective x mafioso uke. was quite interestinf but a but too fast. the translation was also alright. still thankful to the scanlators/translators for sharing this story :)
4 Week Lovers
Dojun won't admit he likes Jaehee it's admirable how Jaehee continues to work hard to get him to say it.
Mediterranean Sea Literature