For Better or For Worse
115 complete Read til 13 (2023), now 115 end (2025) 13, 16, 23, 24 cute ️ 32, 44, 47, 51, 55, 67, 91 blushing n progress 33 awwww truly precious 63 they danced at the ball 92 badass FL 93 ML is in looooove 98/99 first real kiss (she still believes his "true love" will come -.-) 105 ... turns out she was the true destimed one all along (cliche) 112 FI-NA-LLY alter 115 happy end + panel of their daughter (53), 61, 85, 97, 100 2nd couple!! (Love them too) Beginning was kind of boring thats why i initially left it for later Middle is gold looooove all the characters especially FL But near-ish ending gets kinda repetetive "i cant fsll in love with him bc the book said he married another" come on just say fuck it and kiss himmmmmmm Hat sich soooooo hingezogen (even after the first kiss) + 2nd couple zuuuuuu wenig (Could have easily been 5 stars) Rating: 1 star (bis nahe 5 stars idk)
Totsukuni no Shoujo