ash's manga / #playboy uke(2)

Pussy King Sama no Akuheki

Ongoing | Owaru | 2019 released
2022-07-11 03:31 marked

this was kinda messed up w/ the occasional foursomes.. but the uke is a prince & a player then one day he had to tear down this whole rows of buildings so he asked seme in exchange to have sex w/ him so that he wont tear down the restaurant

Gosan no Heart

Complete | Ogawa Chise | 2012 released

i dont rly care ab the other couples tbh the only one i was focused on was the main couple and theyre also kinda eh but basically uke is a playboy and he was present when this girl kept insisting herself onto the seme, so the uke decided to fake date the seme which turn out to be a real rs soon bc they both fell each other. tbh idl the uke abit bc he vv spoiled and everyt also will kena angry