One Piece dj - Yuigon wa Iru ka
"Do I need to leave a will?" The crew disembark in an island wrapped in a civil war. In this climate, Sanji goes to a restaurant where he makes small talk with the waiter. While waiting for his food he and all the people inside the restaurant get caught up in an explosion. While Sanji survives uninjured, he finds the waiter under some debris with a mortal wound on his abdomen. He tries to help him, but the injury it's too grave. The waiter, with his last breath, asks Sanji to take his body to his girlfriend who is waiting for him in a house on the outskirts of the city. Sanji complies and after goes back to the Merry. On the Merry, Zoro is keeping watch. When he sees Sanji covered in blood he worries, only to later realize that the cook is actually unharmed. Still, he notices that Sanji is perturbed by something. He confronts him on the bathroom and Sanji ends up spilling about what happened with the dead waiter, and about how close he was to death himself. He asks Zoro if he should leave a will, and Zoro tells him that that is not necessary. He should either go back to him to tell him what he need before he dies, or he should die smiling. Sanji gets comforted by these words and reflects about how even if Zoro hadn't told him that he wouldn't have written a will. And he wouldn't expect one from Zoro either. Since, no matter what, he will come back home
Nageku Shinigami