Shinyuu no
Minato, who conveys his feelings through photography, meets Wataru. It was their shared passion for photography that brought the two together. During their university days, they found it would be of benefit to move in together and it wasn't until Minato had moved out that Wataru truly realized his feelings for him. 3 years pass, Minato is recruited back to his home town from Hokkaido by his workforce and is given another chance to properly confess his feelings to Wataru.
Randen to Saga
Randen has had the ability to heal wounds with the use of his bodily fluids since he was young, he had undergone many experiments and examinations leading to his highschool years. After being given the opportunity to attend a real school, he meets Moe, someone who was often involved in the fights and misunderstood by others. It was the contrast in personality that bought them together.
Mask Danshi wa Koishitakunai no ni
Sayama was an introvert who kept to himself at school, while Saikawa was a charismatic extrovert who got along easily with others. Yet he couldn't help but feel curious about Sayama and what exactly he was hiding under his mask. With endterm exams coming up, Sayama had no choice but to succumb to the help of Saikawa — although it came with a conditon. Sayama has since felt uncomfortable with showing his face due to a childhood misunderstanding with a classmate. Sayama believed that he would only hurt others with his rash words, but no matter the amount of insults he threw at Saikawa, his attempts to push him away were always in vain. The novel not only showcases a change in their relationship, but a change in themselves through the company of eachother.
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