A good read, I like it but also don’t love it. Has good character development and world building. I will say that I felt that at times so many things were happening and I wasn’t even really getting it but over all a good read. Got to say tho, I preferred the dragon boy way more than prince boy because dragon boy would do anything for MC to be happy even if dragon boy hated or disliked it, that’s what happened at the end and like throughout the story. Dragon boy was fine with MC being with prince boy as long as MC was happy. D: Also I have so many questions left unanswered, like what happened to the boy that MC originally liked, or are MC and prince boy a actually thing if so what will happen to dragon boy? Ahh!! So many questions that I will never know the answer to. T-T. I would say it has a satisfying yet also very unsatisfying ending.
Where the Dragon's Rain Falls