Yabun ni Kyuuketsu Shitsureishimasu
soft old man who turn vampire after attacked x obsessed kouhai who saw it and want to become a vampire too latest chapter: the curse disappeared since mei awake her conscious but yamadera turned vampire and lost his memory since he forced the old guy to turned him
Dead or alive
hunter hairy seme x scammer twink slut uke tags: action, HAHAHAHAHA
Off Stage Love Side
idol uke x bodyguard seme i kennot the facial expressions is too hilarious because he is too honest ayoo this made me giggling and kicking the air rn i love the seme cool and idgaf character
The More I Look at Him, the More I Want to See Him
The Damn Boundary
i read till the end even the art kinda wonky at first so minus 1 star for that total 4.5 stars ceo seme x prostitute uke
90 Days for the Delicacy
tags: immortal spoiler!! I'm glad it's happy ending
Love Rewrite
younger university student suspicious puppy seme x salaryman uke 40 chapters (Complete) https://newtoki339.com/webtoon/16629468?stx=글로+쓰는+관계&toon=BL%2FGL tags: mystery uke was rejected by his sunbae then 10 years later he found a university student who looks like him and ask him out i hate how uke sleeps with his crush when they're fighting and keep him even after they get back together and seme have no idea I guess
Ai da, Koi dano Shouhosen