wolfiekilu's manga / #Strong Female Lead(94)

How to Be a Dark Hero’s Daughter

Ongoing | 리사벨,연 제중,Yooani,솔 | 2019 released

Kill the Villainess

Complete | Haegi,Your april | 2021 released

So MC transmigrated into the novel she skimmed aimlessly, she was not favored by her family, whereas she stopped achieving her dreams to make way to her younger bro who was the favorite of the family even though he had failed college exam 3 times. She transmigrated into the villainess, she then knew for her to return she has to die, but dying by her own hands wasn't effective and asked for a sorceress's help. They are still on the way of researching. Ofc her fiance was Inlove with their childhood friend, daughter of a maid, from a fallen noble, protag. She had a harem, the dragon slayer and the high priest. Protag's mom was crazy, she brainwashed protag that she should act like an idiot with a screw loose not knowing what she did wrong and keep on smiling. She was really just a pure naive girl wanted friends. She was hated by the maids cause the prince always looks for her making them do extra work. If she rejected the invitation of the prince, prince will go bonkers. She was always filled with guilt. Orighost bullies protag and protag kinda hated her until one day on her way to meet prince, she saw orighost crying in a dead corner, there protag knew that orighost was suffering also. She then promised that whatever orighost do to her, she will always forgive her. All these shits that orighost been through made MC twisted. She appointed a knight, she remembered that the only one sided with orighost was Anakin, a knight in black. He also knew she was from another world.

The Taming of The Tyrant

Ongoing | Yusoi | 2021 released

MC was a great sword master, she was hated by her family for causing the death of her mother the duchess cause of her birth. But she was a genius swordmaster, the emperor knighted her but the true intention of the emperor was to experiment MC making her swallow many ehirite fragments and make her a powerful living sword which they succeeded. MCs body was gone and became a sword that killed many, only her consciousness was present hating the empire for making her a killer, she suffered under different emperors for 400 years. She prayed to turn back time and get her revenge. She then woke up when she was 13 years old and still retaining her powers from 400 years of training and suffering. Firing all the servants who abused her and ignored her fucked up family and intending to use the ruthless genius 13th prince to her side and destroy the empire. MC was part fairy and she can see fairies, the fairies needed magic and MC has no limit of magic so she gives some to them. She had successfully became the 13th prince(ML) tutor but ML hides his real potential. He was also a famous author, poet, play writer. He mastered administration, law , medicine, economics, architecture and agriculture. 13th prince didn't really care about the throne, but he finds killing and the struggle to the throne as a game. But he loves his mother very much, and when the struggle to the throne started their first target was to bully 13th princes mom, the princes whose mother involved in abusing MLs mom died first and the crown prince who insulted MLs mom land died the most brutal death. And the 5th prince who attended the MLs mom funeral crowned emperor. ML ruled the empire in the shadows. ML was the real ruler and the emperor was his pawn. He was a famous anonymous artist, author, poet, play writer. He mastered administration, law, medicine, economics, architecture and agriculture. When he died, his diary was discovered and he became a legend. MC asked if she can see MLs mom and ML accepted. MC knew that mom was poisoned before MLs birth and in autumn she will suffer worse than death, mom was elegant and graceful making MC guilty of using ML as revenge. Mom liked MC cause she praise ML, ML asked who is really is MC, MC then said she was also a genius and ML should be obsessed with her and ML had enlightenment. Then MC remembered a sword tournament where the emperor will give the winner any reward they wants. MC then wanted the only cure for MLs mom pain that was in the hands of emperor. With the fairies magic was disguised as a man and entered the contest intending to win and obtain MLs favor. There was a betting, and ML bet on MC in disguise 100,000,000 gold. MCs last fight was against Kahu, who used to be her fiance, MC wins and obtains the herb. Kahu was also reborn. And he noticed that only MC acted differently from what he saw. Nearing MLs mom's death, MC immediately gave the herb to ease the pain. In the 1st life, ML was desperate to find the herb that he didn't saw the passing of his mom making him guilty for the rest of his life, now they had time to spent with each other and MLs mom passed peacefully. Then ML showed MC mom's will and it was different from 1st life. In the first life ML mom will was to have no sickness, hide your talents and survive. But now it was live freely in place of me, live doing what you desire. ML said that those words are for MC too, and asked what MC desires, she said she wants ML as the emperor and her as his first knight, ML accepted but the condition was for her to become His lady cause he only has MC now. MC said she wants him to be the ruler of the empire the destroy it to pieces, ML asked if that was what MC desire and yes she said. ML was now the crown prince and MC was the grandmaster. MC give her family a letter of disownment with imperial seal, but fucker was like she's having a tantrum, a little glance to her will make her happy. But 2nd bros past was he wishes to have a little sister and he will be the one to protect her, their mom said she was assured, so second bro was the only one who had a smidgen of guilt towards MC. Now that MC have attain great power, her family regrets their actions towards her when young and pleads to MC to retract her disownment. MC then noticed that ML was increasing their physical contact, and she intends to find him a crown princess which was lady R who met MC and boldly asked MC to make her the crown princess. Ofc ML was devastated. Then the next day Lady R met MC saying that she's Inlove with somebody else and didn't want to be the crown prince, she was desperate and begged not to be wed with ML, so MC approved her request confused as to lady R became so different from first meeting. At first MC thought it was MLs doing but MC was confident that ML was too obedient to MC. ML then asked MC to promise him not to leave his side and MC promised. ML then said to MC that he plans to start the rebellion, he will bind the emperor and make him kneel before MC. For MC emotions were a luxury and needs to exact her revenge first, so event if she noticed MLs feelings for her, she knew she cannot. Kahu wants to join the rebellion, in the 1st life, he was the one who looked for MC when she disappeared caused he was her fiance, so kahu might have developed feelings for her when looking for her. In the rebellion, ML went to the emperor's study to gather evidence against the emperor, ML saw the living sword project and MCs name as lab rat. The Rona (MCs last name) family joined the rebellion. When them winning and only waiting for MLs signal in capturing the emperor, MC was anxious and went to ML, she saw all the royals dead which their first plan was to give them justified sentences, then ML was with the emperor, ML thought of killing the emperor who was the obsession of MC so MC still wouldn't leave his side. But ML said that the emperor was still alive, he gave the emperor ehirite fragment and make him a living sword. MC was now anxious for the plan was to give public execution to the royals but now that ML killed them all he just usurped the throne. Mc blames herself for she was the one who taught ML to be perfect. So now she plans to run away with the fairies help. Novelupdate SPOILER: So after the rebellion, MC and ML celebrate alone, ML suggested to play each will ask questions if one doesn't answer they will grant whatever the winners wish. MC asked if ML has someone he loves, said yes he has since long time,L asked MC the same, said she didn't have one. MC was sure that ML loves her so she asked who it was. ML know that if he blatantly confessed now, MC will surely run away, he remained silent claiming he lost. MC wanted to confirm MLs feelings, asked ML to have a sparring match will ones life at stake. ML follows whatever MCs will. So ML lost cause he could never hurt MC and MC thought that ML if he loves her he wouldn't hurt her. She ignored the strange thumping of her heart. MCs reward was for ML to teach her piano, she pretended to be clumsy and had ML teach her on hand, she observed ML more than she learned piano, notice that ML was still composed as ever but again ignored her own fast heart beating. Now MCs obsession was to confirm MLs love for her, cause when ML was young MC can easily read him but now as the emperor, she couldn't read him. So MC was obsessed to see with her own eyes the love of ML for her. So they gathered that the underworld was together with the mages in Keira project, MC volunteered to go and Kahu too, MC lóoked at ML if he will be jealous but he was not and approved them both. The ministers said that MC and Kahu should be wed to make the duke house close to the emperor but ML changed the subject and moved on. When MC and Kahu arrived, they met many monsters and thought the advancement of the project was accelerated and MC killed them all, Kahu then noticed that MC was not the same so MC asked to be kept a secret. After finishing Kahu said they can rest in his mansion, MC thought ML maybe jealous accepted. The servants in the mansion was overjoyed saying that Kahu had brought home.his fiance and loves MCs kind nature. Imagining MLs jealousy, MC decided to stay the night in the mansion. Ofc ML was angry but rationalized that MC was testing him. Kahu was possessed by a devil and MC and ML saves him. So when MC and ML married and had a kid, Kahu became their tutor and never married. On the war, Dylan actually DIES? by the hands of the evil devil spirit. Fortunately for him, Charlize kills all of the monsters and wakes up the god ehirit, (the one residing on dylan? i have so many questions.) And Charlize cries and wished that she wants to live a happy life with Dylan and doesn't want the rage and revenge that she longed for anymore and only wants to spend the entirety of her life with dylan and her wish is granted. (thats cute) And for the ending, Charlize and Dylan get married!! And have a cute baby daughter!! They renamed the kingdom to 'Lariego' (might be a misspelling) that means 'Dedication for the sword

What It Means to be You

Ongoing | Lee Bora,Ranyong, Ocean | 2000 released

MC was the only princess of the empire, but the emperor failed a business that left the whole empire in huge debt and died with no solution, all the people of the empire detested the royals. ML, was tortured abused as a child, worked as a slave, experimented by a witch, became a slave by dwarves. He was born from the duke and a foreigner was hated by all but was adopted and he finally received love, though he have no title, his money was no.1. MC and ML had a contract wedding, MC loved ML at first sight. ML was mesmerized by MC, feeling unworthy to be with her, so he promised in his mind ofc to make more money for MC live happily and luxuriously. The wedding contract was for ML marry MC and will given a title, but ML has to give 24 million to the royal family. Then Fucker (ash, MCs bro) announced that ML bought MC with money and said that he will erase the royals and titles so ML was not given a title, Fucker obviously scammed ML but all the nobles were praising him and insulting ML as low born and MC was announced as scammer. ML walked out. He actually immediately went to correct his works as to he was not given a title so he need to work on it personally as to make money for MC ofc he didn't tell MC that. So in their wedding night MC was all alone waiting for ML, as maids ridiculed her constantly being unwanted by ML. MC was ridiculed by all, the maids, the doctor who said she was fine when her body was slowly dying saying it was all in her head, MLs parents who keeps on humiliating her especially in parties. She was forced to wear dull clothes, MC still tried to get MLs attention and begging him to be with her in a party, but ML thinks it was a waste of time and rejected her. MC then attended the party alone, ridiculed by the nobles cause even after 3 years she still had no child, and was harassed by MLs step bro. MC chose to suicide. But woken up as ML, she wished for the delusion not to stop, succeeded in a hard contract. ML in MCs body was so weak, he can barely walk of all the burden and ache in MCs body, he opened his safe telling the quack doctor to heal him, which the quack finally did. At MLs hotel, ML and MC went back to their own bodies when they touched. ML had MC seen by a capital doctor, the doctor said that MCs medicine was not even prescribes anymore and will change it. ML invited MC in a lunch date, so hotel.maid had MC wear luxurious dress that MC was Inlove of. Hotel maid then said that ML always sends MC beautiful dresses, but MC never received any of it. The hotel maid was confused. MC met her actress cousin saying that ML was fun to talk to and MC makes him frustrated. ML and MC was having lunch, ML asked what reward MC wants for the success of contract, MC said that she wants ML and MC attend MLs dad bday, ML said that his time was more expensive so no. MC then asked if she died will ML has time to attend her funeral, ML walked out. MC asked hotel maid if actress cousin was a regular in the hotel, hotel maid said she was, and hotel.maid(Loulou)but two and two together and felt sad for MC. MC then surmised that ML was cheating on her. MC went to ML asking for divorce. In MLs mind he was panicking if they divorce then why did ML make money for ofc he didn't say that. Just said to MC if she wants divorce, she should pay back the 24 million plus interest and walked out fucking again. MC then wrote to Fucker that she needs help in divorce. Fucker actually had a long time deal with MLs stepparents, they will steal the money of MC that ML gave to MC as his wife since MC don't even know it existed. With fuckers help the bank let them. Fucker keeps on humiliating ML given that fucker steals MLs money and thinks of it as his pocket money. Fucker arrived at the mansion with MLs stepmom, and ridiculed MC being selfish and coldhearted, fucker let stepmom punish MC, they locked MC up in a cabinet. MC with bloodied hands escaped and went straight to ML.looking unkept, she begged ML to stay by her side, ML glared at her that he had important meeting and not be a nuisance. MC then got out saw a gun and rode a horse to the sea. MC then again tried to kill herself. ML actually saw his hands bloodied and remembered MC held his hand and panicking looked for MC which he didn't find. Then MC and ML switch bodies, using MLs body, MC threatened Fucker to stay away from MC, then she bought a ticket trying to run away as far as she can using MLs body, but was arrested by racist guards, cause MLs eyes were silver, for all the silver hair and eyes are of foreigners that they discriminate, but the guards saw it was ML scared said sorry but MC mad ML attended his stepdads bday using MCs body. ML went to his room and used the dresses that MC rejected. All the luxurious dresses were stored in MLs closet because MC returned them back and MLs stepmom said that MC doesn't like those luxurious dresses for MC was used to dull clothes, so in retaliation ML dressed luxuriously and put on many jewelry, as he was getting dressed by maids they suddenly laaughed, ML asked why they were laughing, but they brushed her off and ignored her, ML put them in place and asked again, they terrifyingly told him the wedding night incident then knew it was one of the reasons why MC wants divorce. he went to the party and acted like himself, then he finally noticed the glares of all the nobles attended how they ignored and ridiculed ML, ML brushed it off as MC having no friends. Then ML in MCs body arrived and switched body, MC then marched to the guards in charge, they still discriminate the silver hair and eyes and unjustly imprisoned, MC said what's on her mind and the guards apologized and released them. ML in his mind was amazed. ML was careful of MC since ML experienced having menstruation. MC visited her mother the former queen and said all her sufferings, she said she wanted divorce but her mom got psycho and said that MC shouldn't blame others with MCs mistakes, that it was better for MC to suffer than let Fucker be hurt. MC then visited her childhood friend a daughter of Duke who currently running away Sharon. They planned a party but their flowers was withered, MC suggested a solution and Sharon's grandma asked for MCs help, MC asked her servant to send ML a letter that she won't be home but rejected the idea cause ML wouldn't reply anyway. And ofc ML went home with no MC in sight and ofc ML went ape shit that MC didn't even sent a letter of she stayed out for the night. Loulou sided with ML saying that MC can have fun too and stay out for the night. MC and Sharon's grandma was talking and grandma can tell that MC was suffering, grandma said that Fucker is opportunist and that if MC needs help, she will be there. At grandma's party, the theme was loved by everyone and MC was respected there, then ML came uninvited. MC asked if she can stay later, and ML said he will wait, ML had MC escorted as MC introduce ML. On their way home, MC was a bit drink, she said that introducing ML ass her husband was a great experience for the first time. MC talked about having a child, ML said he doesn't want to cause ofc in his mind only he knows that a child was a substitute for divorce for MC. For the first time ML invited MC to breakfast, MC said that divorce was for ML find love, having MC was only useless and burden. ML said that he only know to solve problems using money, so he will try to understand MC as MC should too, they had a date. They had a date watching kyosol, a game with half naked man, ML was relaxed, ofc actress cousin appeared. Ac said MC was boring and tried to seduce ML, but ML hugged MC said that he know how violent MC was in bed. Ac walked away in shame. ML said that he needs MCs elegance in business so wished they found switch bodies, MC was happy that ML needs her help. They had a bet in the game which MC ends up winning. ML met some friend and was smiling which was the first MC saw him, she thought If MC leaves, ML will be free and happy. ML asks how the swap bodies, ML suggested they kiss. MC realized that they were going back to the castle in the south, MC was traumatized, she suggested to live in the capital cause it will be easy for them to swap, ML agreed. ML said that nobles hates him, MC said they are afraid of him, he didn't have to hide.behind his arrogance and be a gentleman. ML announced that he will live in the capital to his stepparents, ofc they acted sad saying they were not ready to let ML live away. When ML mom died, he was abused and he saved money and went to the Blooming estate where his dad lives, but there was the useless blooming couple with only title on their name and saw ML as a cash cow. MLs heritage was from Kanik, people with silver hair and eyes, Kanik males can only impregnate Kanik females, so ML cannot have a child with MC. ML checked MCs closet to know her taste, but all were cheap and dull dresses, secretary was puzzled cause MC had tons of money from MLs land gift to her, so they investigated if the agent embezzled MCs money. Secretary saw that the rent was owned by Carlson Low, a famous playboy, secretary assumed MC was cheating, ML said leave it they can just deal with the guy as long as MC don't leave ML. ML saw the blood marks inside the closet and thinks it was crazy if anyone traps a princess inside a closet, he asked MC if she was traped in a closet, MC confessed Fucker asked stepmom to trap MC in a closet, ML got ape shit cause his stepmom was not that kind of person. ML asked why she didn't asked for his help, she said she did then ML remembered when he rejected MC. MC then apologizes that she stole MLs body that day. So they were shouting at each other ML saying why she let it go MC replied she can't do anything about it. ML confronted stepmom, just a little acting and ML just said not to do it again, ofc stepmom was thinking ML was simple but ML said for her to apologize to MC and he won't pay for her party fees for a year. MC attended a book club and got a good impression from others, she bought handkerchief and watch for ML using her brooch and bought food for the staff. A doctor was prescribed a Birth control pill to MC cause the stepparents said that MC and ML doesn't want a baby, then maid said that MC was weak and was worried when she had a baby so she was thankful of the doctor's pregnancy booster pill which was actually birth control, but the doctor was shocked cause it was the opposite of what the stepparents said and had been giving MC the birth control for a while. The doctor knew he was bribed, he still gave the pills, and hypnotized himself he had nothing to do with it. MC gave ML the gift, ML romised to use it for the rest of his life. They did their wedding night. MC was scared of really dying but she had already promised ML to obtain the wine for his hotels and ML promised to attend stepmoms tea party together. MC and ML swapped bodies in tea party, ML arrived first with MCs body, then ML answered the questions about business then someone said that rumors about ML forgiving MC was true, So all of them now want to mooch and tried to be close with MC. ML then discovered that MC had always been treated badly. Now he knew why MC was always wearing dull and cheap clothes cause she will be criticize by spending MLs money. That she was seen as an unforgivable sinner. ML wanted to see MC ran to the gates and stepbro saw him and started harassing him saying that he was the only one she can rely on then MC in MLs body appeared. Stepbro never expecting ML to arriv, ran away with tail between his legs. They swapped bodies and MC was relieved that ML atleast understood MC alittle. In the monestary party, MC and ML met Carlson who MC known when young, ML said he was an abusive drunk. MC felt nauseous smelling the wine and was hopeful to be pregnant. Then a priest collapse MC acted saved the priest and saw the donation card had a flower known to be poison. The doctor was bribed and threatened to say to MC she's pregnant, cause step parents knew that ML doesn't want to have children and ML and MC can't have a child together and they had a scapegoat Carlson. Then MC asked for the doctor, and he said she was pregnant, she went to see ML and she wants to have children, ML said if it was inevitable, it was okay to have a child. MC was happy and still kept it a secret. ML knew that he and MC can't have a child. He plans to tell it in the future. The monestary wants to thank MC and ML for saving the priest. And had ML get the contract for the wine. ML had been looking for his mom all this time, but he knew he was abandoned for being mixed blood, his mom was living in the Alicia where no mixed blood was allowed. ML was angry and had all the gifts prepared for his mom canceled. ML still in bad mood asked why MC arranged a party, MC said that she's pregnant with their child. Then ML said whose child is it, if MC was going to ran away with some man. ML ridiculed MC saying ML can only have a child with someone in his clan and strongly implied that MC cheated And he will assign someone to observe MC. MC said ML can't do that, but ML said that she had no right to refuse. He said that MC was not his wife, that she was nothing, she has no money nor title. But MC endured for the baby, said ML will regret it like a fool when the baby was born resembling ML. MC was being insulted saying she was a cheater, then ML said to her that she was cheating with carlson, MC said it wasn't true and showed him her documents. Then ML saw that the lands ownership was transferred to Fucker. MC said ML could have just asked MC, ML then went to the central bank to investigate. ML confronted Carlson, c said he hated ML and MC for choosing ml, he accepted the rent due to his own actions not fucker, he then asked if ML said to MC that she and c were having an affair, he laughed saying that MC now hated ML. Then ML remembered what secretary said that it may be a miracle, mL then knew that he loves MC and was making money just for her but he said to MC that she was nothing. MCs stomach was aching so much, maid called for other doctor, the doctor said that MC was not pregnant and she was only having menstrual cramps. MC was destroyed. The bribed doctor was smart and retired from his work in the estate and ran away. He only had a letter posted to MC will arrive atleast a year confessing his sins. ML kinda just brushed away that MC was actually not pregnant. ML just decided to fill MCs room with luxury cause everyone he did so became happy. Then the mother of the priest that MC saved was so thankful of MC asked if they can Give anything to MC. ML and MC had a healing moment. On the moving day, ML went ahead first. But MC sold all the things ML bought for MC to the west country lancia family and the money will be given back to ML, maid knew that MC will ran away. ML was checking their mansion of every people's envy. ML knew that if MC arrives in the capital she will be happy, if she's happy he will be happy. MC got the money from selling her things and it was so much and knew that ML will be happy with the money, she went to the bank to obtain what was stolen from her and return it to ML, cause MC knew money will make ML happy, if he's happy then she's happy. MC then fought with fucker saying that it was a law that royals are given their dowry, and MC didn't receive it so she will file lawsuit, fucker doesn't want to lose his good image was lost against mc, but fucker comforted himself that he was their moms fav that he can use his mom to ask MC to give the land back to fucker Ofc it won't happen. MC told her maid she will go west, was about to enter the train when ML stopped her. MC made an excuse she just impulsively decided so and ML believed it. They had to stay near the station for the road got frozen. ML promised MC he will find him if she ran away, they papapa, and MC ran away while ML was sleeping she confessed MC really loved him, but ML was awake saying they can start over, MC said it was too late, a gun appeared ML said it wasn't bad if he died in MCs arms, but MC said she wanted to show how they swap bodies and shot herself. ML went crazy not believing it was true, MC said it was easy killing herself and said all the abuse she endured and begged ML to let her go, which he did, now ml became a emo fucker. MC now leaving in a small town owned by Sharon's family and she face slapped the corrupt leader making the villagers like her. 1 year later ml expanded his hotel where MCs at. MC was in the market when she saw her past butler, who helped her hide from ML. Ever since MC left, ml never had peace, he always dreamt MC dying and depressed as fuck. He keep tabs on MC, when MC had a job she always sent money to ml to repay all the money as ml said, and she also attaches divorce agreement which destroys. ML also thrown away his adoptive parents for what they Did to mc. MLs hotel party invited MCs employers who gifted him olive oil which ML loves he was happy that MC didn't forget ml, then he over heard mc past butler talking to vice president saying that MC had no intentions of returning for she was now finally happy and don't want to go back to her hell, ml then suicide ch 48

Seijo no Hazu ga, Douyara Nottoraremashita

Ongoing | Yoshitaka hana,Jisama | 2019 released

Why She Lives as a Villainess

Ongoing | Yuwn,법생 | 2019 released

The Princess Pretends to Be Crazy

Ongoing | Dalseul / rohan | 2019 released

The king of valdimar was cursed by Goddess for killing too many, that his body will gradually became a stone but a prophecy said that strongest will save him. He then announced to his heirs that the strongest to survive will be crowned king. Then the silent war of the heirs started killing each other for the throne. MC was the 5th princess was killed on her 15th bday by poisoning by the 1st prince was also awakened her goddess's blessing powers. And turned back 5 years to the past. So inorder not to be killed, she pretended to be crazy and was able to celebrate her 19th age. She planned to run away after the people are focused on the sole surviving heir. Then the delegation from the great emprire visits valdimir for surveillance.

Let’s Hide My Younger Brother First

Ongoing | 채지후,천리 | 2019 released

MC transmigrated into a bl novel where his bro was the protag and had multitude of psycho partners. MC then had bro become a scholar and her a knight. In mcs world, she also had a little bro, but poverty and stress made her impatient to her bro who was actually desperately asking her to save him. Not long after, he left her a suicide note and left. She confronted the bullies but her low financial stature, she was taken seriously

Nulliitas: The Half-Blood Royalty

Ongoing | Dolphin,Jezz,Ritou harusumi | 2000 released

MC was born when her mom was r-$+( by the fucking count, this fucker was lowest of the low and only had a useless and a fucker like him heir. She was disguised as a man until she got sick and her mom begged her to be saved cause she was fuckers child who only complete inherited fuckers features. Fucker heir was a disgusting piece of shit that always harassed and lusted for mc even knowing they were half siblings. An order from the emperor saying fuckers daughter must be wed to the Hero duke who was known as a blood demon. FUCKERS wife and daughter was against it so fucker had MC pose as the daughter. When MC was taking a break in the pigsty where she used to work, ML in disguise as a new hire talked to mc, he was curious as MC ignored his handsome face and looked lovingly at the pigs, he asked for her name, MC was about to say daughter s name but instead said her name cause it was the last time she will utter it. When ml looks at mc, he can see a glimpse of MC being vibrant but as she looks at him she was like a lifeless puppet Ml then had MC investigated and uncovered fuckers plan for ml to be humiliated having a low born carry his child, though wanting to kill fucker, he's originally rejection to the wedding became accepting knowing it was mC who he was getting married. MC blackened and became more like a noble, she promised to protect her mom and went to dukes estate. She then discovered that the poor guy she met before was ML, she remembered fuckers said that she must kill herself it ml discovered the truth, MC was super nervous but ml acted like they just first met so MC started acting as daughter. On the wedding , ml for the first time was nervous, all the ladies were Inlove at the handsome ml. Daughter disguised as maid, was furious as she saw how perfect ml was, she planned to stop the wedding