Tonari ni
Age gap, more than 20 years of gap. Corporate slaves sure have it rough and hard
Ore to Omae no Stalker Boushihou
I don't really mind having a stalker, as long as they're forward and wouldn't intentionally harm me. As for the privacy, I have nothing to hide anyway.
Is It A Coincidence?
Why is this tagged and labeled as Yaoi? Anyway, they're both cute...tho I kinda feel bad for this white haired richwPomeranian...he waited for a year for his answer and now that he gave him an answer he had to leave for military enlistment.
My Junior Is Not Cute
Boy Meets Maria
I don't know what happened between his mom and dad, but I know for certain that both of them are good people. As for the fucking pedophile/rapist, I just hope that he die the most painful way as possible.
I'm the big brother
My initial thought was it's gonna be cute– a brother of popular twins yada-yada. Then it started to become weird as they're overly attached, doing this and that. Luckily they cleared that up lol.
Mister-sama Niwa Nakasarenai
Actor x Fan turned into Rivals — then lovers?
Don't Call Me Daddy