Taming the Tiger
My god the passion these two have; the desperation for each other. Their love was devotional and at its rawest form. This made me ugly cry, oh my god. "I will wait for you in hell. So don't be afraid, My Lord." Absolutely beautiful.
Exotic Love
Sweet Trap
Obedient Heritage
Hot af. Would reread over and over again. Contains some pretty fucked up shit like kidnapping and drug abuse. This shit is my guilty pleasure.
Ten Count
One of my firsts and holy shit it is HOT. I love how patient yet teasing Kurose is, and Shirotani's reactions make me want to see him get dicked down. Nothing will ever have such an impact on me than Ten Count.
Papa Datte, Shitai
Choco Strawberry Vanilla
Ngl, kinda hot when Mine gets fucked senseless and starts to cry looking all pathetic. Although, I don't know how to feel about Hiroi. I like Take better and I guess subconsciously wished for Mine to fall for him instead.
Under the Green Light