Shuuten Unknown Gaiden
YAY! This is the sequel to Shuuten Uknown. It was classified as shounen ai but Shuuten Unknown was much more of a fantasy adventure. Here's to hoping that there will be actual romance in this sequel, though it says it's shoujo???! Say it isn't so! I hope that's an error (note to self, edit this is it does change) It's an interesting, fun story and I've really grown to love the main characters, Sayatoki and Yoruma, and I love how I've seen them grow from enemies to friends. They are precious.
Monster and the Beast
Forest monster Kavo rescues middle aged man, Liam, from what looks like being raped. But it turns out Kavo is sweet and pure-hearted and Liam is a pervy rascal.
Tsuki to Yabanjin
Uriel is a “cursed” prince forced to live in, basically, captivity until he convinces his attendant Alvie to let him go near the border of a neighboring country that he’s fascinated with. He ends up getting kidnapped by a hero of that country, who falls for him hard. Nice, passionate love story!
Shuuten Unknown