Tonari no Metaller-san
does soushi-san have a speech defect?
The Stranger in the Hoarding House
hm. a shallow depiction of an otherwise deep theme.
Muhyeok and Naui: My Irresistible Neighbor
objective rating: 6/10 personal enjoyment: 9/10 the plot isn't at all deep or revolutionary, and half of it were smut scenes, even. so why the high rating from me? it's because the main couple is TOO. DARN. CUTE. i know their relationship didn't exactly have the most pleasant of beginnings but after they got together, it was like a whole new world opened up before me!!! their dynamic and chemistry had me GAGGED. it's like eating candy that just tastes sweeter the longer it's in your mouth. i'm surprised myself that i did not lose interest after they got together (in contrast to the many other cases where i got bored as soon as the main couple officially starts dating). in fact, this had me begging for more. i don't know what kinda crack the author put in here but it was ADDICTING. i really cannot stress this enough: their dynamic is easily one of the best i've ever read. it was natural and intuitively fitting that they were drawn to each other given their personalities which just mix so well together. EURRGHHHH i'm rambling sorry second thing, the art is SO FUCKING GOOD. character expressions are on point and the storyboarding + composition of each panel conveyed the scenes clearly and smoothly. it's just very artistically well-done, overall. A-tier!
Tadareta Koi ni wa Itashimasen!