Uke professor seme student and ukes crushes son!
This manga had me lil bit awkward at first cause he had a crush on his dad and after 16 years kaoru falls for his son. I felt the pain of takumi finding that out and getting hurt by it. But still he was in love with kaoru!Takumi is such a best boi! He even punced that assistant professor Bustard for kaoru aww!
Glad kaoru realised fast before it got too late! Tnx to his buddy! Kaoru did realised he got used to takumi and fell for him for being him not like his crush!
I started thinking this manga had no smut but then oh ya they had their first smexy hot bed scene on the last chap!
Kaoru and takumi was both adorable!
When kaoru said 'BWABE' awwww mannn
Whenever takumi had puppy face wiggling tail mannn someone save him! He is toooo cute!
Age gap is nothing! I love this manga. Hope they will stay together to watch cherry bloosom every year!
Sakura no Hana ga Saku Koro ni