Warui Koibito ja Dame?
Wanna read more about Nagahisa Aikawa with Kimiko and Yuu ><
Kare Ja Nai Kedo
Yukimurabis suuupeer tsundere >< and its really hard being shinonome because he must be suupeerr extraa patient with his yuki-chan
Mujihi Na Anata
Kuon and Nanao is the suuper couple >< i really like the way Kuon being possessive over his Nanao-san his way to protect Nanao from another men kekekekeee ~ In the end, Nanao can really forget about his past its soo calming Like the bonus chap when Nanao with innocent said Never while Kuon ask him about any other men taht ever like him Nanao you just soo carefree ~
Sunao Ja Nai Kedo
Huwaa this part of shinonome and yukimura i like the most >< yuki is f*cking jealous omg ╭∩╮ and coming out new chara ~
Masato-Sama no Urei Aru Nichijou ~to, Kare wo Aisuru Monotachi~
Hajime really so carefree And whats with those two? Masato soo freaking funny when talking to hajime ( ̄∀ ̄)
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
Mujihi Na Karada
As expected from Kuon ~ he really are soo protective to Nanao and that make it really envious >< Nanao is soo blessing to have Kuon This couple really the best i can't simply imagine how happily to be Nanao that loved by Kuon and be Kuon that suuupeer lived by Nanao >< good couple! Sakuraga Mei Sensei as always doing really good job at making story became so exciting *thumbs up*
Stop at the Red Light
Tsun-tsun hae in kyaa kyaaa >< but finally Min loves he back kekekee ~ the epilogue is just soo funny .. When hae in turn him down he immediately call others to be his partner which is make hae in didn't have any other way out poor hae on and his hole *laughing*
Elektel Delusion
Gyaahh >< finally can finish read this awesome mangaa ~ I already watch whole manga+drama cd of this... Shunpei is soo cute kawaii ~ though he slightly dense just dunno why fumi soo loving that dummy boy *ups* but i thought that shunpei is kawaii >< nekota yonezou sensei always brought awesome story... This one too
Mujihi Na Otoko