Hybrid Child
Jan 2015 - One of the most painfully beautiful manga ever written. It’s different than sensei’s other works, but I love that. She’s a brilliant writer.
Itoshiki Ningyo
An absolute MASTERPIECE. I’m not surprised, since it’s written by Hijiki, whose beautiful brain came up with Kiraide Isasete. This manga’s so painful yet so sweet. Umi and Mikagi will have my heart forever.
A Stepmother's Märchen
On ch 57. This is my first manhwa with a female protagonist, and I absolutely love it! Shuri’s an amazing, strong character, and I adore her kids. I love that there’s a big focus on politics. Ch 11 ftw
Hime Muko
O. M. G. Everything about this manga is perfect. The art is top tier, and the story is gripping, and I love the way Yamato and Shiki’s relationship develops. It was painful at times and brought tears to my eyes, but it was also so sweet. I just adore those two.
Rumspringa no Joukei